check it

Source /home/ch45859/web/

  <title> <?php echo basename(__file__, '.php'); ?> </title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    const loopLimit = 3e9
    let checkAliveVal = 0, worker;

    function checkAlive() {
      const bCheckAlive = document.getElementById('iCheckAlive');
      bCheckAlive.value = 'check Alive ' + ++checkAliveVal;

    function workerSt() {
      const tWo = document.getElementById('tWo');
      if (worker !== undefined)
        return tWo.innerHTML = 'already started'
      try {
        worker = new Worker('j15workerWor3.js')
        worker.onmessage = (e) => {
          const d =
          let m = "main onmessage: " + e 
          for (const n in d)
            m += ` ${n}: ${d[n]}`
          document.getElementById('r3').innerHTML = document.getElementById('r2').innerHTML;
          document.getElementById('r2').innerHTML = document.getElementById('r1').innerHTML;
          document.getElementById('r1').innerHTML = m
          if ( === 'startup')
             tWo.innerHTML = 'worker started ' + worker; 
          else if ( === 'loop')
            document.getElementById('iLo').value = d.txt

        tWo.innerHTML = 'worker starting ' + worker;   
        document.getElementById('iTe').value = 'worker terminate'
      } catch (e) {
        tWo.innerHTML = 'starting worker catch error ' + e + ', worker '+ worker;   
      worker.onerror = (e) => tWo.value += ' worker.onerror: ' + e + ': ' + e.type + ' ' + e.toString()
      setTimeout( () => worker.postMessage({cat: 'startup', typ: 'msg'}), 2000)  

    function workerTe() {
      const tWo = document.getElementById('tWo');
      try {
        tWo.innerHTML = 'worker terminated';
        worker = undefined
      } catch (e) {
        tWo.innerHTML = 'worker terminate error ' + e;

    function workerLo() {
        document.getElementById('iLo').value = 'worker looping'
        worker.postMessage({cat: 'loop', typ: 'msg'}) 

    function workerHa() {
        document.getElementById('iHa').value = 'Hamilton starting'
        worker.postMessage({cat: 'hamilton', typ: 'msg'}) 

    function workerH32() {
        document.getElementById('iH32').value = 'Hamilto32 starting'
        worker.postMessage({cat: 'hamilto32', typ: 'msg'}) 

    function workerH2() {
        document.getElementById('iH2').value = 'Hamilto2 starting'
        worker.postMessage({cat: 'hamilto2', typ: 'msg'}) 

<h1 >check it</h1>
<li><input id='iCheckAlive' type="button" value="check Alive" onclick='checkAlive()'/> click here to see, if the window is responsive</li>
<li><input type="button" value="start worker" onclick='workerSt()'/> <input id='iTe' type="button" value="worker terminate" onclick='workerTe()'/>  <span id='tWo'></span></li>
<li><input id='iLo' type="button" value="worker loop" onclick='workerLo()'/> loop with progress messages</li>
<li><input id='iHa' type="button" value="Springer Hamilton Path" onclick='workerHa()'/>Hamilton Path - Springer auf Schachbrett</li>
<li><input id='iH32' type="button" value="Springer/32 Hamilton Path" onclick='workerH32()'/>Hamilton Path - Springer 32 Sprünge in 32bit Logic - punktsymmetrisch frei für nächste 32</li>
<li><input id='iH2' type="button" value="Springer/2 Hamilton Path" onclick='workerH2()'/>Hamilton Path - Springer 32 Sprünge - punktsymmetrisch frei für nächste 32</li>
<li>Hamilton Path - Springer auf 1/4 Schachbrett  Rotation geht nicht</li>
<li>response from worker<ol>
<li id=r1></li>
<li id=r2></li>
<li id=r3></li>

<h1 id="src">Source <?php echo __file__; ?> </h1>
<?php highlight_file(__file__) ?>